Today at Camp Shenandoah made possible by Emily King through Friends of Scouting. Find out more and own your day.

Ranger Corps


Join the Ranger Corps!

In addition to Sheandoah Lodge, the camp is cared for by a group of youth and adult volunteers who tirelessly work to improve and maintain this beautiful retreat. More info will be published here soon, but if you’re interested in work day opportunities, and more, please contact Paul Hansohn and he’ll let you know about current opportunities.

Camp Shenandoah 75th

Own Your Day

This day, March 28, at Camp Shenandoah made possible by:

    $274 per day That's What It Takes

    It takes $274 per day to keep Camp Shenandoah running, even when Camp is quiet. Electricity, maintenance, and staffing all require your help.

    Own Your Day ยป